TimberHP launches North American sales of TimberFill

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TimberHP is pleased to announce the launch of TimberFill, its first wood fiber insulation product, on the North American market.

TimberFill, a loose fill insulation, can be blown in or dense packed in attics, wall cavities, floors, and ceilings for high performing, affordable, safe, and carbon negative coverage.

“We’re thrilled to begin selling these truly game changing insulation products in North America,” TimberHP CEO Joshua Henry stated. “We believe the market is hungry for insulation that’s high performing and makes homes, their inhabitants and the planet safer and healthier.”

TimberHP will sell TimberFill through a variety of channels, including Service Partners, General Insulation, IDI, and numerous independent lumber dealers throughout the Northeast, with trailer truckloads leaving the company’s manufacturing plant in Madison, Maine, on a weekly basis.

TimberHP recently announced a wholesale distribution agreement with Cameron Ashley Building Products for its entire product offering—TimberFill, TimberBatt, and TimberBoard. TimberHP products will be distributed by Cameron Ashley to installers and retailers across the United States.

TimberFill sales follow more than a year and a half of renovation work inside the mill by Cianbro Corporation, as well as installation and startup by TimberHP’s engineering and operations teams.

“We are leaning into our rich forest products heritage with skilled loggers, sawmill operators and truckers providing the raw materials to create our products,” TimberHP co-founder Matthew O’Malia said. “Our capable team guides those materials through a high-tech manufacturing process to create insulation that outperforms the competition. An innovative building material, poised to shake up the North American market. The launch of these carbon-storing products could not come at a more critical time.”

TimberHP will commission its TimberBatt manufacturing line later this fall, with the TimberBoard line following shortly after. All three TimberHP products are true byproducts of Maine’s timber industry, and they enter the market with the three sets of characteristics that highlight and emphasize TimberHP’s mission, vision, and values.

High Performance
TimberHP wood fiber insulation provides superior thermal, acoustic, and building envelope performance. A comprehensive, above-grade product line for creating wind-tight, vapor-open assemblies with stable, long-term R-values, improved temperature stability, and premium sound protection—all at a price point suitable for mainstream adoption.

Healthy Planet
TimberHP wood fiber insulation is the market’s only recyclable, renewable, non-toxic, carbon-negative insulation. TimberHP, which is made from residual wood chips, makes the best use of our renewable forest resource. TimberHP, a high-value insulator with a negative carbon footprint, reduces a building’s global warming potential from the start and every day it operates.

Healthy People
TimberHP wood fiber insulation is fire resistant, moisture resistant, and sound absorbing. Insulation installers benefit from a product that is free of harmful fibers that irritate the skin and degrade air quality. TimberHP creates safe, quiet indoor environments that are free of airborne toxins and trapped humidity.

Bob is one of our top contributors covering the intersection of the construction industry and home improvement trends.