Boral Roofing Introduces Boral Ply 40
Boral Roofing has launched Boral Ply 40.
This latest product is an SBS modified fiberglass reinforced underlayment/base sheet used for different types of roofing such as tile, shake or shingle.
The product’s modified asphalt reduces the possibility of wrinkling and buckling.
These are commonly associated with non-modified membranes. It provides users with durability and improved protection compared to felt at an affordable price.
Users can easily install it and it is ideal for metal roofing systems.
The latest and modified underlayment now comes with an uncovered exposure time, without any degradation, of six months.
This is better than the original three month uncovered exposure time.
Customers can get it in 39 3/8” x 66’ (216 sq. ft.) rolls, each one weighs approximately 80 lbs.