Glass Flooring System Inc.

Glass Flooring System Inc.
(877) 693-5801
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GlassFlooring Systems

Glass Flooring Systems specializes in complete walkable-skylights and glass-flooring systems. Our patented framing systems have a host of innovative features that fully address the shortcomings in traditional glass floors and skylights. As the industry leader in structural walk-on glass, we not only offer innovative walkable glass products, we provide an extensive array of glass-floor components and offer unbeatable product support.

Headquartered in Whippany, NJ, Glass Flooring Systems is a full-service manufacturing firm that designs, produces, assembles, and ships walkable skylights and glass-flooring products anywhere in the world. Why do we lead the industry? Because we not only design and build walkable glass systems, we’ve also had all our products independently tested and approved for listing with the NFRC, Energy Star, and Florida Product Approval. We do this to ensure we’re providing superior quality and to make it as easy and seamless as possible for our products to be integrated into your designs.