ASTC Polymers

ASTC Polymers

ASTC Polymers was one of the first companies to develop Polyurea systems in the late 1980’s producing some of the first slow systems for control joint applications, below zero conditions and unique fast set spray systems. Since that time ASTC Polymers has introduced newer types of sophisticated pure Polyurea systems with advanced physical properties.

Most recently the company has developed a formulation of fast curing adhesives for airfield lighting systems and concrete dowelling adhesives, Anti-Scratch, chemically resistant Polyurea/aspartic coatings and specialty thixotropic cartridge applied Polyurea/urethane caulking and adhesive systems. Our technologies are based on Polyurea, Polyurea/aspartic, Urethane and Advanced Epoxy systems. And our products are formulated with the highest degree of quality. ASTC is a “Formulator” company and will formulate products and work with customers for unique formulations development.