Champion Plumbing Company Wears Pink to Support Breast Cancer Research

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In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Champion Plumbing, a top provider of plumbing services in the Oklahoma City area, will dress its technicians in pink foot covers and donate money to Oklahoma Project Woman.

Leslie Harpole, co-owner of Champion Plumbing, stated, “Our goal is to raise awareness about the life-saving research that is being done to find a treatment that affects about 300,000 women in the United States every year. “Our goal is to raise awareness among our clients and demonstrate our support for the study by having our technicians wear pink booties. The pink is distinctive and a great topic of conversation.”

One of the most prevalent cancers affecting American women is breast cancer. Approximately one in eight women will get breast cancer at some point in their life, according to the American Cancer Society, which estimates that every year, close to 300,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer are diagnosed in women.

For Oklahomans of any age without health insurance and with low financial resources, Oklahoma Project Woman offers free mammograms, diagnostic tests, and surgical services. The charity has distributed more than 63,000 free breast health care vouchers to uninsured Oklahomans since the project’s inception in 1998; 859 of these individuals have received a breast cancer diagnosis.

Every October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is observed to raise awareness of the condition and to encourage screening. The month is recognized for its pink color theme and includes a range of awareness-raising initiatives and promotions run by both commercial industry and cancer advocacy groups.

Early discovery is the best defense, but more study is still required to develop a treatment, according to Harpole. “We hope that we can contribute to finding this cure, helping more Oklahomans receive the breast care exams and treatments they need and that we can share this important message to our customers.”

Glenn is our New York City correspondent covering home improvement, DIYs, and home renovation reports in New England areas.