Simpson Strong-Tie and Building Talent Foundation Partnership to Promote Trades

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The Building Talent Foundation (BTF) and Simpson Strong-Tie have formed a strategic agreement to encourage the growth of the residential construction workforce in the United States.

BTF is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing young and underserved people with skilled trades training and professional prospects.

“Supporting the next generation of skilled trades talent is an important part of our commitment to our customers and our industry. We’re excited to begin working with Building Talent Foundation to help people find education, training, and employment opportunities as they launch their careers in construction,” Karen Colonias, CEO of Simpson Strong-Tie said.

BTF’s objective is to improve the education, training, and career advancement of young people and persons from underrepresented groups in residential construction as competent technical employees and business owners.

BTF works with all members of the residential building industry to achieve demonstrable results for the industry and communities.

As an Innovation Partner, Simpson Strong-Tie joins BTF’s cross-sectoral community of companies and educators. Simpson Strong-Tie will donate a total of $600,000 to the foundation over the next three years as part of its three-year commitment.

“Collaboration is the path to building a sustainable residential construction workforce for the future,” Branka Minic, BTF’s CEO, stated.

“We’re thrilled that BTF Founding Partners KB Home and Ashton Woods connected us with Simpson Strong-Tie. Together, we can accelerate towards our objective of bringing 100,000 new skilled trades workers into construction by 2030.”

BTF is organizing a two-day event in October for Dallas Independent School District CTE (career technical education) program students.

During a visit to the Simpson Strong-Tie plant in McKinney, Texas, students will meet with industry experts.

“Partnering with Simpson Strong-Tie is an honor,” Sheryl Palmer, Chairman of the Board of BTF and Chairman and CEO of Taylor Morrison said.

“Both of our organizations are dedicated to strengthening trades education. By working together, we can leverage our collaboration to connect young people with role models, education, training, and career opportunities.”

Bob is one of our top contributors covering the intersection of the construction industry and home improvement trends.