Forest City Trading Group Acquiring Affiliated Resources, Inc.

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Forest City Trading Group (FCTG) announced the acquisition of Affiliated Resources, Inc.’s assets.

Affiliated Resources is a manufacturing, marketing, sales, and distribution firm that specializes in the design, manufacture, and selling of custom branded wood, steel, and plastic goods.

The company provides services to original equipment manufacturers, agricultural businesses, and industrial end-users. The company’s creator, Mike Wilkins, will continue to serve as president.

“We’re excited to welcome Affiliated Resources into the Forest City family of companies,” Craig Johnston, CEO of FCTG said.

“This acquisition allows us to continue to diversify our portfolio into value-added industrial branded products and offer more services and growth into their multiple business segments.”

“Our alignment with FCTG will allow our employees to continue to grow our business and provide them with the scale to service our ever-expanding customer base,” said Wilkins.

“Their high priority on talent acquisition and development, combined with the emphasis that both companies place on customer and supplier relationships fits our business model as we continue to innovate for our growing portfolio of industrial products”.

Forest City Trading Group is made up of 13 firms that work in the construction materials market and develop strategic links between local and international clients and suppliers.

The deal is expected to finalize on or around August 31, 2021.

Glenn is our New York City correspondent covering home improvement, DIYs, and home renovation reports in New England areas.