DAP Creates a New Formula for DynaGrip Heavy Duty Construction Adhesive

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The reformulation provides 50% more instant grab than other products.

DAP has made a new formula for its DynaGrip Heavy Duty construction adhesive.

The reformulation was designed to make the product more durable and stronger compared to earlier editions.

It also provides a 50% more instant grab. This allows users to keep vertical items from falling without using clamps or braces.

“Formulated with the latest high-performance latex technology, DynaGrip Heavy Duty provides a strong permanent bond to a wide range of building materials making it perfect for more demanding construction jobs,” says Jay Misas, senior product manager at DAP.

The new formulation of the DynaGrip Heavy Duty features:

  • Low-odor
  • VOC-regulation compliance
  • Offers first-rate adhesion on common materials for construction

Customers can get the product in five, nine, and 28-ounce containers. They can buy the products soon.

“This new version of DynaGrip covers a wide range of applications, including heavier vertical projects, and delivers a grip that outperforms, ensuring durable, long-lasting holding power,” continues Misas.

Glenn is our New York City correspondent covering home improvement, DIYs, and home renovation reports in New England areas.